Massage workshops

2 to 6 pers

Duration : 2h

Public : adults & children 


Adult : 30€ - child : 20€


 - Registration required -

"Like home"


            Massage workshops allow you to share a parenthesis of relaxation with your relatives in which you will give and receive massage, by learning efficient techniques that will be easy to reproduce at home!

            It doesn't require any specific equipment as you'll practice a clothed massage without oil, in a casual outfit and with the means at hand (table, chair, stool, pillow etc...)



"High quality teaching"


            The approach of massage that I propose in workshops gets inspired and impregnated from the techniques that I learned (swedish massage, chair massage, acupressure, traditionnal chinese medecine) in addition to various notions regarding communication, thanks to trainings and classes that I also attended (NonViolent communication, intuitive communication, drama, dance, etc...) to develop before everything else a quality of touch and presence based on the art of listening and feeling, through a lot of practice, and taking time to listen to silences...

For any question and reservation :